Lorenz Joker Attractor

Lorenz Joker Attractor

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Got the Time.

People usually talk about the 3 dimensions i.e. x, y and z or length, breadth and height. However a new school of thought advocates the existence of a 4th dimension – time. Throughout history not only has the 4th dimension been mentioned in literature often but also the method to actually use it also has been mentioned.

We all know how to use time. It’s simple, isn’t it? Just do work during that time say running, reading, writing etc. However research has shown that such jobs require the utilisation of only 0.01% of the brain’s capacity.

The ability to use time can however be put to better and greater uses such as telekinesis, splitting of atoms, telepathy and maybe even nuclear fission/fusion reactions. This can be done by tapping the human mind’s maximum potential. If we can harness even 60% of our intellectual potential, we will be able to work wonders.

There are however certain key prerequisites.

1) To utilise the maximum of one’s brain’s potential it is quintessential that one focus on what one wants to happen and pay attention to every single detail of the process.

2)One must always be conscious. If a person lapses into a dream or a subconscious state he/she no longer has any control over his/her mind. One must use the power of his/her imagination. (Preferably with eyes closed.)

3)If during the process of focussing one tends to drift away, one should immediately wake up , drink 600mL of pure water in which 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of turmeric are dissolved. [The entire process of focussing tends to sap out a lot of the brain’s electrolyte causing imbalance. Therefore the salt which contains ions of sodium, potassium and calcium is used. The reason behind using turmeric has no scientific basis. It is believed that the yellow colour it imparts wards off evil spirits which caused the person to lose his consciousness.]

Let me explain. Right now I’m sitting in a room. It’s about 12’ x 10‘ x 10’ although it appears much smaller. That is probably because of all the furniture present. It has a 3 seat sofa which has a leopard pattern on it. Also the room has two chairs. Wooden frame with red colour cushions – one of which I’m sitting on. The walls are painted with a light purple colour called mauve. However there are patches where the paint is fading. There are two tubelights connected on opposite walls. Philips. There is one fan directly below which I’m sitting. Ajanta. There is a table beside my chair which has a jug filled with water. There are two other boxes beside it.

However my point of interest is this painting directly before which I am sitting. It is 3’x2’. Its hanging on a single nail present near the top. It’s present directly in front of a window such that it just covers the window. It has a mahogany frame covering it. There are several intricate carvings on the frame. I think it is just some fancy engraving but the shopkeeper who sold it to me insisted it was some kind of Greek lettering. It was polished recently so it had a particular glossy look to it. Its 2 inches wide. The painting as such is quite beautiful. It shows a set of hill tops with half a sun visible between two of them. There is always that pointless debate of if it is a sunset or a sunrise when you see it. Call it what you will – it’s a beautiful painting. It has a black background with the dark ambience giving it a melancholic feel. The hills are painted a characteristic brown with the sun a bloody red. There are a few white ‘V’s. Birds probably.

Now suppose my aim is to make the picture flip. To do this I’ll be needing a force which can produce a torque about the nail. The point of action of this force has to be the tip of the bottom of the frame so that the torque produced will be maximum. Also the magnitude of the force must be taken into account. It should not be so high that the picture breaks off the nail (usually this happens when the picture goes at an angle greater than 750) but at the same time not low enough that it produces insufficient torque.


Now to produce this force I’ll need a gush of air. Obviously this has to come from outside through the window.

Hey man, you there ?

Wind is produced due to several reasons. One of them is convection. If I can cause an appropriate temperature difference between a point outside the window and the bottom corner tip of the window I should be able to create a sufficient push for the flip.


Now taking into considerations the weight of the picture and the temperatures outside and considering the fact that......

*splash of water*

I woke up. I saw my friend standing in front of me and on her face was the biggest grin I have ever seen. All 32 teeth. I think I actually counted.

“Dude it moved. I swear.” she said.

“Seriously? I mean you sure?” I said.

“Positive. I mean it didn’t flip entirely but I’ll bet anything it quivered at the bottom. You were about to drift off so I woke you up. ”

“Sweet. Good thing you did that.”

I reached for the jug of water on the table. 600mL. Measured. I opened the first box and added one tablespoon of salt. The other box. Two tablespoons of turmeric. Chugged it down. Tasted like crap.

“Well. 253rd time lucky I guess. I’ll try after 10 minutes again.”