Lorenz Joker Attractor

Lorenz Joker Attractor

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fuck you kindle

Up on the shelves,
stacked, sorted and decked
they stand - brothers in arms.
Dusty are their covers,
with pages inside - yellow, succulent with the sap of knowledge.

My finger tingles as i slide it across the names.
My palm embraces the dust as I pick it up.
The sweet aroma clouds my brain as I open it.
Triggering a comet shower of pleasure in my brain.

As it nuzzles comfortably between my hand and my thigh
As I walk away from its comrades
A soft hum I hear from the congregation.
Not a malediction. Not a threat.
A gentle tease.

I strain to hear the words.
When they reach my ears, there's no stopping the grin.

It went-
'Fuck you, kindle. Fuck you, kindle'

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My God

O omnipresent one.
Your presence is felt everywhere.
In the beat of blood against veins.
In the flow of air through an empty canal.
In the screech of a crow.
In the melody of a nightingale.
In life.
In death.
In the beat of strings.
In the pulse of current.

O omniscient one.
Such infinite knowledge you possess.
Every single emotion- you know.
Every little secret - you know.
Every tiny affliction -you know.
Every minute fault - you know.
Every single virtue - you know.
You and your good friend time,
everything you know, you imbibe- you survive.

O omnipotent one
Such powers you possess.
So many hearts you have healed.
So many pains you have soothed.
So many disputes you have solved.
So many relationships you have mended.
So many minds you have changed.
Is there anything you can't do?

The point of religion - i do not see.
I see only one God. One Almighty.
One Entity.

O divine music - I salute thee.